Our Work
Our Work
Accomplishments to Date (2019-2020):
ACC convened with all Texas participants on Jan. 30, 2020 at our Eastview Campus. We brainstormed with Texas State colleagues, led by our Alliance coach, Dr. Jo-Carol Fabianke, and selected specific actions that would significantly improve the state of transfer between our two schools, and which could be completed in a 90-day cycle. The resulting 90-Day Cycle Action Planning Worksheet identifies specific tasks, person(s) responsible and deadlines with a status check meeting every 30 days to ensure successful outcomes. ACC and Texas State will participate in two 90-Day cycle planning cycles.
View a PDF of the Transfer Alliance Call October 8
View a PDF of the Project Brief.
First 90-Day Cycle Action Items
- Aligning math requirements for top 12 transfer majors
- Conducting a student transfer intent survey
Aligning Math Requirements
Our differing math requirements is a persistent source of confusion for students and it causes delays in degree completion. Our action plan calls for aligning the math requirements for the top 12 transfer majors at Texas State since those majors impact the largest number of ACC transfer students.
The top 12* transfer majors are:
- Interdisciplinary Studies-Curriculum & Instruction (Education)
- Business
- Psychology
- Nursing
- Computer Science
- Mass Communications
- Exercise and Sports Science
- Criminal Justice
- Biology
- Applied Arts and Sciences
- Social Work
- Electrical Engineering
- Health Science (Bachelor of Science in Health Science)*
* The Health Sciences major was added to the project at the June 24th meeting, bringing the total to 13.
A Math Requirement Chart for the 12 largest transfer majors was developed and shared with deans and department chairs at both schools for review. We planned to host a University Partnership Summit: Faculty Conversations event on April 17th to bring together ACC and Texas State deans and department chairs from each of these 12 transfer majors to dialogue about the math requirements and build relationships between the academic leadership and these degree programs. However, this event was postponed due to the covid-19 crisis. A virtual Summit is proposed for later this year.
Student Transfer Intent Survey
The second task for the first 90 Day cycle focused on the early identification of ACC students’ transfer goals and major so more accurate advising can be delivered. ACC developed a transfer intent survey and administered it to 17,375 students enrolled in gateway courses April 30-May 10. A total of 2,138 (12.2%) students responded.
Noteworthy results include that Texas State is one of the top two schools identified as the intended transfer destination; students are interested in completing the associate degree prior to transfer; and, students need more support in the transfer application process for competitive, program-specific degree programs.
View the ACC Office of Institutional Research & Analytics (OIRA) reports:
- ACC Transfer Intent Survey 2020 – Preliminary Report
- ACC Transfer Intent Survey 2020 – Results Summary
Second 90-Day Cycle Action Items
- Confirmation and publication of math requirement alignment in top 12 majors
- Development of a Transfer 101 Blackboard Extension for students planning to transfer to Texas State and other high rate transfer institutions
- Discuss if a math college prep course will be shared by ACC and TXST
- Begin process development for degree plan mapping for all requirements of top 12 transfer majors and begin mapping of associate to bachelor’s degree pathways
AAS to BAAS Alignments
Texas State developed 17 AAS to BAAS program maps and these are being reviewed by ACC department chairs and deans. Final approval is pending.